Homeopathy is a natural medical system, based on the principle of “like cures like”, where the body’s natural defense system is stimulated to cure the disease by itself. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1845), was a German physician who developed this Homeopathic law. It is based on the observation that a raw substance is capable of causing symptoms in a healthy person, when diluted and potentized, this same substance can cure (not just suppress) those same symptoms in an ill patient. For example red onion makes your eyes water, that is why it is used as a remedy for hay fever and allergies. The key to successful homeopathic treatment is to identify the similarity between the effects of the original substance in healthy people and the pattern of illness in the individual who is sick. Homeopathy has the potential to treat almost any disease and is safe to be used in any age group.
It is a misnomer that homeopathic medicine is slow acting and only works for chronic disease and allergies. When the correct remedy is selected, it can cure acute conditions (like fever, vomiting, diarrhea etc.) within a few hours, without just suppressing the symptoms.
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